Friday, June 27, 2008

Just.......... ????

Today has been one of those days(weeks). I have been in tears all week. Maybe its my hormones or maybe certain people I know are not very understanding to the "pregnant woman". I am not asking for "special treatment- just "understanding". Either way, I didn't ask to be sick for the last 3 months- which I still am. I am so tired of apologizing for something I can't help. If you can't tell I am very stress. On top of that I have been really nervous about somethings and I know God is going to help me through it all. I am still learning to trust. I am just counting down the days until I can hold this little baby growing inside of me and everything else will not be important.

I received this on email and it was something I needed today!!

Lord Jesus, as I enter this workplace, I bring your presence with me.I speak your peace, your grace, and your perfect order into the atmosphere of this office.I acknowledge your lordship over all that will be spoken, thought and accomplished within these walls.Lord Jesus, I thank you for the gifts you have deposited in me.I do not take them lightly, but commit to using them responsibly and well.Give me a fresh supply of truth and beauty on which to draw as I do my job.Anoint my creativity, my ideas, my energy so that even my smallest task may bring you honor.Lord, when I am confused, guide me; when I am weary, energize me.Lord, when I am burned out, infuse me with the light of your Holy Spirit.May the work that I do and the way that I do it bring hope, life and courage to all that I come in contact with today.And O Lord, even in this day's most stressful moment, may I rest in you.In the name of Jesus my Savior I pray. Amen.
-Author unknown

On a lighter note - my craving!!!


Shelly said...

hey sis....sorry you've had a bad couple of days! things will get better! just keep swimming, just keep swimming (you have to watch Finding Nemo to understand). :-) I love you and am praying for you. And I can't wait to hold "our" baby either!!! sweet dreams....

Dell said...

I have been waiting for an update. I read this every morning so....I do think of you often. I know this is a very, very trying time for you in many, many ways. My heart is with you. Over the the years I have found one phrase that has more truth than many others...and that is..."this too shall pass." There are blessings in the best of our days - and in the worst of our days. Be patient...listen..and you will hear the message and have the blessing. Love you and Keith! I'm here for you.

Martha said...

Vicki, I love you! I'm sorry that things are tough for you right now but remember its those times that make us stronger because God said His strength is made perfect in our weakness. So, be encouraged today! God loves you so much and sees everything you are going through. Things will be better, I promise! Love, Mom

Quiltermama said...

Watermelon keeps the swelling away by keeping you hydrated! Good craving to have! :-) Praying for a great pregnancy and healthy baby!!!
