Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Good Report..

I had a doctor's visit today and everything is great. Rylee's heart rate is good, I have only gained 10lbs (in 6 months) and my belly is measuring the right size. I am right on track.

As for me and how I am feeling: still having little bouts of morning,evening sickness, swollen feet, hands, heartburn and peeing every 5 minutes. I am just tired due to not sleeping well but, I know all of this is just normal. And after the baby I will be saying "sleep" what does that mean"..hehe!!

My last day @ work is October 3rd and I am excited but nervous about that. I have a lot to do with cleaning and organizing my house and getting the nursery ready before the Rylee arrives so I won't be bored. It's just going to be a big change. I am looking forward to this "new chapter" in my life.

We are planning for my baby shower. I am very excited about it. It's going to be so much fun. Also, I know that I have been promising pics of the nursery stuff I am buying...I will eventually post them. It's going to be the sweetest little nursery ever. If you don't know this about me..decorating is my passion and I am loving getting to decorate Rylee's nursery.

Well...that's all folks..

Until next time...

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