Sunday, September 23, 2012

My little big girl...

I had SO much fun taking these photos of you, taken at maw-maw's house. 

Up your nose...

You are NEVER  have tried to stick anything up your nose, until today (Sept 16th, I think?).  I was on the phone with your maw-maw, and you said" Mommy, I need your help, very calmly I might add.  I saw your polly pocket toys on the bed, and I knew. So thank GOD, for tweezers and that I was able to get that little pink shoe out of your nose.  I hope you that you learned your lesson! :)

Swimming at maw-maw-s..

I just LOVE these. :)

August sometime...

You just are SO adorable...and getting TOO BIG!

July- August

Here are some from July- August 2012 

July 4th Photos

Well, mommy is behind again on your have been keeping me busy. And with your little sister, that you love so much...certainly no time for blogging.  But, this being your baby book (well your 1st 3 years, then I will have printed into a book for you), its important that I keep it up.  Here are some adorable photos of you on July 4th, Ginny our neighbor bought the tutu for you...! Before these photos, it had been a while since you let me take any of you.  You really don't like the camera much!! So when I do get some of you, I will treasure them forever.